University: F1 2021 Azerbaijan GP - Thursday Drivers Press Conference (Esteban Ocon & Max Verstappen)

Posted on 16th December, 2021

Great stuff thank you Esteban. Now we usually have a fan question, but there's a slight technical issue with the video that one of the young fans here in Baku sent in, so I’m going to read it out because Roxanna came up with a great question and here it is.



She asked if you had university and you had a race at the same time, would you go to university or would you go to the race?


Verstappen: Well it doesn't depend on the race, I wouldn't go at all anyway.


So [Laughter] just imagine you were at university.


I cannot imagine, can you see me at university, university of life. I uh no, I’m, I’m very happy with uh. I’m lucky of course with the path I’ve chosen in my life, but I never saw myself at university, no.


Asked about what about you?


Ocon: Yeah it's a bit similar unfortunately, um yeah I’m very happy with the choice in life that I’ve made, very pleased with how everything's going for me and but yeah, my mom was not too pleased when we had to go to the karting races, missing couple of days of school more than a couple of days sometimes. So yeah, it's going well but it could have been the other way; so kids: go to school stuff.


Thank you, and Roxanna, thanks for your efforts as well.


F1 2021 Azerbaijan GP Thursday Drivers Press Conference Esteban Ocon & Max Verstappen

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